
Countdown to National Cancer Survivor’s Day

On social: Share how you plan to celebrate cancer survivors. Use #Survivors4ACS. Visit Take Back Your Day to see how others are celebrating survivorship!

Start an ACS On Campus Chapter

Want to bring ACS to your campus?

Interested in supporting the American Cancer Society at your private/public college or university? Follow these 5 steps and join the ACS On Campus movement today!

1. Gather your friends!

Find out how many students are required to form an organization on your campus and make a plan to start an organization! Look for people who are passionate in fighting cancer (ex. pre-med, public health, those with family members with cancer)

2. Decide how you want to support ACS

Are you ready to be the leader of a new ACS On Campus chapter at your school? Do you want to participate in specific events like Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Relay For Life, video game streaming with Gamers vs Cancer, or other ACS opportunities? Determine what program would fit your organization/campus here.

3. Connect with ACS (This step is crucial to become an official ACS On Campus)

Fill out the ACS On Campus Interest Form to talk to an ACS staff member about the next steps to make your organization official with ACS. The form takes about 10 minutes to complete, and you will be contacted within the next 5-7 business days to continue the process!

4. Work with your administration

Identify a professor or faculty member on campus who may be interested in advising an organization dedicated to the mission of ACS (advisors may not be required on your campus). This person could be identified through the student organization office or personal connections! Collaborating with campus administration can be difficult and new, so be sure to check out this handy Working with Administration Guide.

5. Make a name for yourself on your campus

Recruit at student org fairs, grow your organization’s visibility both on campus and virtually, and increase your campus’ support for ACS through additional events!

For support, our ACS On Campus Chairs on the National Campus & Youth Engagement Team are always open to answering your questions.

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